Lodge Open Day

Lodge of Science 437

On the 19th March the Lodge of Science joined in with the Wincanton History Societies 2nd Annual History Day. There were many locations within the town explaining various historical facts regarding the town. many inhabitants dressed in period costume to add to the day.

The Lodge opened its doors to the public at 1000hrs when the continuous stream of visitors commenced and did not relent until the doors were closed at 1530hrs.

Visitors were treated to a display dedicated to the close association with Wincanton since 1793 when the first Lodge The lodge of Unity 584 was opened through the period of Wincanton being a Parole town for prisoners of war which included a Lodge being formed by the French Prisoners of War called la Paix Desiree in 1804 through to the formation of The Lodge of Science in 1836 to the present day. There were storyboards, photographs and memorabilia on display causing much discussion of older well remembered Wincantonians.

There were conducted tours of the Temple and questions answered where appropriate! Of course we hope that perhaps we may get a new member or two from the event but this was not the main reason for us taking part. However we are a forward looking Lodge and we signed up our first junior member, please see attached photo of young Albert.

Our pop up cafe was very popular and visitors enjoyed a selection of delicious cakes, tea and coffee free of charge.

Many compliments were made by the visitors regarding the display and the premises from, ‘It’s like a Tardis in here’ to ‘I never knew that this existed and I have lived here all my life’ From the Lodges point of view. Further bridges with the community were built and we look forward to continuing that process in the future.

Rod Allen

Somerset Mind

On Thursday 14th March, the Lodge of Science 437 welcomed Somerset Mind, to give a presentation to the members & visitors.

Some 30 brethren were in attendance to receive a wonderful talk and learn about the work Somerset Mind do & the services they offer to those in need.

With Mental Health being a wide-reaching topic & more talked about now than ever before, it was interesting to learn about this wonderful charity.

The presentation was extremely well received by those present, with a huge round of applause to show their appreciation at the end.

W Bro Jonny Reach, Charity Steward of the Lodge, thanked Alison Baker (Corporate Partnership Co-ordinator / Crisis Safe Space Worker / Trainer) for her excellent presentation & made a donation of £1,500 to Somerset Mind.

Alison Baker thanked the Lodge for their generous donation and commented on how pleased she was to have visited a Lodge for the very first time!

The brethren then headed downstairs to enjoy a lively & friendly festive board, as is standard at 437!

Lodge of Science Open Day Saturday 9th March 2024

Are you are interested in Social History, your own heritage, the charities we support or learning more about Freemasonry?  Then the Lodge of Science No 437 looks forward to welcoming you into their Lodge. Everyone is welcome, entry is free and there will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided.  You will be able to talk to members of the Lodge in an informal atmosphere and take a tour of the Temple. 

Our association with Wincanton stretches back over 150 years and we hold a lot of information. Come and talk to us and perhaps tell us about your ancestor who was a Freemason.

There will also be a display about the French Prisoners of War who were held in Wincanton and their connection with Freemasonry. 

March 2020 – 1st Degree Ceremony

In March the Brethren welcomed Mr David Collins as a new initiate into the Lodge.  Bro David had been proposed and balloted over the previous months and was guided around the lodge most expertly by the Junior Deacon, Bro Jamie Reach.  Bro David was initiated by the Worshipful Master (WM) W Bro Jonny Reach, with work being conducted on the floor by W Bro Roger Blanthorne, Bro Ed Davies and Bro Don Cochrane.  The Lodge was also issued its 5thAshlar as part of the 2020 festival for raising £35,000 over the past 3 years. The funds will go towards charitable causes going forward, a truly huge achievement.

The WM and Charity Member receiving the Lodge’s 5th Ashlar

At the festive board the Bro David was treated to some fine fare, good company and found the lodge in good voice.  At the festive board the brethren also managed to raise a further £135 for the WMs Charity.

W Bro Tony addressing the Brethren at the Festive Board
Bro David responding as the initiate at the Festive Board

February 2020 – Business Meeting

The February meeting was for the most part a combination of a business meeting and a presentation on a local school expedition to Borneo.  They were conducted in the presence of a Provincial delegation as part of a fraternal visit.  The business meeting consisted of a ballot for a new initiate and discussion of the lodge’s audited accounts By W Bro Kevin Aldred (Charity Steward), W Bro Tony Wilcox (Almoner) and W Bro Alan Chin (Treasurer).

Henry, a 16-year-old student, gave a most informative 30 minute presentation to the 50 brethren attending, following King Arthur’s Secondary School trip to Borneo.  Henry and one other member of his party had been sponsored by the Lodge and he wanted to show the lodge what its sponsorship had helped to achieve.  The presentation covered the 4-week expedition, including conservation and environmental work, building and improvements made by students to aid the local population, cultural interaction and a week-long trek through the Borneo Jungle.

The WM with Henry following his presentation to the Lodge

January 2020 – Installation Meeting

January saw the installation of our new Worshipful Master (WM) W Bro Jonny Reach who was installed into the chair of King Solomon by the Previous WM W Bro Garry Hall.  W Bro Garry now takes up the role of Immediate Past Master (IPM) and will aide and guide the new WM over the next 12 months.  Both the installation of the new WM and the installation of the new WMs officers were conducted in the most excellent manner.

At the Festive Board the officers and brethren of the lodge and visiting brethren gave speeches wishing the new WM all the very best for the coming year and how much everyone was looking forward to what was the new 12 months would bring.

Christmas Dinner & Carol Singing 2019

The Lodge held its annual Christmas social evening on Sat 14th Dec 19 at the Masonic Hall, Wincanton. The event was organised by our Charity Steward, W Bro Kevin Aldred and his wife Tina. It was wonderful evening seeing over 50 friends, family and partners dining and we were treated to a delicious traditional Christmas fare by our caterers.

Continue reading “Christmas Dinner & Carol Singing 2019”

October & November 2019 Meetings

Our October and November meetings saw Bro Ed Davies receive his Grand Lodge Certificate and receive an explanation of certificate from W Bro.Toni Wilcox.  The November meeting also included and update on the role of Lodge Communication Officer, changes to the Lodge Website and an explanation and demonstration of Solomon by Bro Don Cochrane.  Solomon was created by UGLE as a learning repository to help inform and educate masons.

Lodge Open Day 2019

The Lodge Open Day was held on Sat 29th June 2019. It was well attended by the general public, current and past masons as well as masons from other lodges. Our aim was to raise the profile of the Lodge and welcome in the local community highlighting our ties with Wincanton, the charities we support and breaking down barriers and assumptions. We also had a number of local residents raise their interest in joining us.

Continue reading “Lodge Open Day 2019”