Worshipful Master Garry Hall was installed into the Master’s Chair in a most excellent manner. Garry is obviously a very well respected and well known mason as the lodge was packed to the rafters with 84 Brethren attending of which 78 dined at the festive board.
We had six members of Provincial Grand Lodge formally in attendance as well as numerous others of Grand and Provincial rank.
Photo 1: WM Garry Hall being raised up by this Wardens and IPM.
Many fine speeches were given with equally eloquent words in reply . Our new WM gave a very heartfelt address to all those attending. Garry was very upbeat about the lodge and its future partially given that we have Master Masons in all of offices this year.
Photo 2: The festive board.
Garry also spoke kindly of those in the offices who will be supporting him in the coming year and thanked the IPM W Bro Lee Osborn, the Preceptor W Bro Rod Allen and the senior members of the Lodge for all of their hard work in preparing him for his installation.
Photo 3: WM Garry Hall addressing the assembled Brethren.
Garry also said that he would like to bring the brethren together socially more often in the next 12 months so watch this space.