A summary of Lodge news and events throughout 2018.
May 2018
The number of Brethren attending our May meeting was exceptional and filled the Lodge, and may I say with the Lodge being so full ‘it was just like the old days’.
It makes such a difference to the atmosphere of the occasion, especially as the Ceremony was the initiation of Ed Davis. Yet again the team worked especially well together, from the WM to the Tyler, to make it an occasion that Bro Ed will long remember.
I will make special mention of Bro Jamie Reach, who presented the NE Corner and the tools, and Bro Jonnie Reach, who presented the Charge after Initiation. This was an excellent example of Brothers who had put a great deal of effort into their pieces. I have no doubt that waiting in the wings will be other brethren who will have taken inspiration from them.
As an aside Bro Ed Davis, the WM, W. Bro’s Rod Allen and Mike Doggrell attended an Initiation the following evening at All Souls Lodge No:170 in Weymouth. I think it fair to say that we all learnt something at that Initiation. The Ceremony was written/amended by a Lodge member in about 1826 and has been in continuous use ever since.
Finally, on 21st May at Lodge of Instruction, Bro Gary Hall will be taking the Master’s Chair in preparation for Installation Night in January and all other progressive officers will move on to the next office.
April 2018
At our April Lodge meeting the Worshipful Master Lee Osborn presided over Brother John Langley’s third degree ceremony. The evening was a great success, with all of those involved in its presentation doing so with great sincerity and accuracy. A ballot for Initiation was taken when Ed Davis was elected as a candidate for initiation; his proposers were The WM and Brother Jonnie Reach.
As usual a very pleasant Festive Board rounded of the evening when Lodge members entertained the guests. The toast to and reply from the visitors was indeed a very spontaneous affair as both Brethren involved had about 30 seconds notice!
At the Festive Board all the usual toasts were given and received and the songs were sung. The Initiates toast was given by the WM after which the ‘Entered Apprentices’ song and the chain were explained to Bro Ed who then responded in an excellent manner.
March 2018
We were fortunate that the recent heavy snowfalls did not affect our meeting and we were able to conduct the meeting, unlike Bruton, who had to cancel their meeting the previous week. Our March meeting was a 2nd Degree ceremony of Passing Bro John Langley, who fully engaged himself into the Ceremony right from the outset. Yet again the team gave strong performance that was much appreciated by everyone present. Bro Mo Mohoney who presented the SE Corner and W.Bro Alan Chinn gave an explanation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board both delivered in a first class manner.
Although our numbers were lower than usual at the Festive Board it went very well, especially as there was an Easter theme and an endless supply of Easter Eggs as raffle prizes! Bro Johnny Reach ran the box draw that resulted in Bro Andrew Powell-Young going home considerably better off than when he arrived!
Two tickets for the Bowie Experience at the Hippodrome Bristol were donated by one of the brethren. These tickets were auctioned off, the funds being added to the money raised at the raffle going to support local good causes.
February 2018
The February meeting was the W.M. Lee Osborne’s first Ceremony as the Master of the Lodge. It was an Initiation, which is always a good start to the year.
The candidate was Mr Andrew Powell-Young and the new team carried out the ceremony in an excellent manner. The floor work was conducted by his proposer Bro Jamie Reach, who delivered the NE Corner and his brother the Junior Warden, Bro Jonny Reach, who gave the Charge.
The Junior Warden giving the Charge was a new innovation in the Lodge and it worked very well. The Brethren and visitors enjoyed an excellent Festive Board when all present welcomed Bro Andrew into the Lodge of Science and wished him a long and happy association with us all.
January 2018
As W. Bro Rod Allen’s second year as the Master (1986 & 2017) came to a close he was very pleased to be able to report that presentations to his two chosen charities of the year would be made.
The first was to the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, the presentation being made in December for £500.

At the January meeting the sum of £750 was presented to Alexander Priest on behalf of South Somerset Mind in support of their outreach work.

The January Lodge meeting traditionally is the Installation Night when the new Worshipful Master (W.M) takes over, this took place on 11th January 2018, when W.Bro. Lee Osborne was installed. This is Lee’s 2nd time in the W.M chair, his first being in the Alamanzora Lodge No 139 in Spain.
The Lodge was honoured by the presence of Assistant Provincial Grand Master for Somerset, W.Bro. Martin Slocombe. It was a most excellent ceremony during which honoured guests commented on the high quality of the ritual, in particular Bro. Jonny Reach’s presentation of the 2nd degree tools. There were 62 members and visitors attending the installation which was conducted by W.Bro Rod Allen. The Officers for 2018 were invested by the new W.M Lee Osborne. The whole Ceremony was a great success and everyone is looking forward to the forthcoming year!
Following the Ceremony Lodge members entertained their visitors at the Festive Board with a very convivial atmosphere. The Loyal and Masonic Toasts were given. The highlight as regards the toasts was the toast to the new W.M when tradition dictates that we sing the Masters Song. This year for the first time W.Bro. Tony Wilcox undertook the task supported by the Senior Warden and in turn the Junior Warden, a baptism of fire, but well done to Tony for taking it on!

The newly installed W.M then spoke to the Lodge, stating what an honour it was for him to be installed as the W.M of his mother Lodge. He is looking forward to the year ahead working closely with those officers rising through the offices to attain the W.M chair themselves in future.
So the evening drew to a close by which time the atmosphere was buzzing and no one really wanted to leave but leave they must with the refrain, ‘Happy to meet, Happy to part, Happy to meet again’ ringing in their ears.