The May meeting saw the lodge officers conducting a 1st Degree demonstration and also receive the Travelling Trowel from Lodge Marine No 232 EC.
Continue reading “May 2019 – 1st Degree Demonstration”NEWS & EVENTS
Lodge of Science Spring Social 2019
The Spring Social was held at the Stapleton Arms, Buckhorn Western on Sat 27th April 19. It was a wonderful evening, seeing over 50 friends, family and partners attending.
Continue reading “Lodge of Science Spring Social 2019”April 2019 – 2nd Degree Ceremony
The April meeting saw Bro Andy Powell-Young being passed to the 2nd degree. Bro Andy was initiated in February last year but had to move unexpectedly to Spain in his role as a teacher.
Continue reading “April 2019 – 2nd Degree Ceremony”March 2019 – 3rd Degree Ceremony
The March meeting saw Bro. Ed Davies being raised to the 3rd degree. Bro Ed was initiated back in May last year and has progressed to become a Master Mason.
Continue reading “March 2019 – 3rd Degree Ceremony”February 2019 – Business Meeting
The main business in the Lodge in February was to receive the auditors’ summary of the Charity, Almoners and Treasurers accounts which were found to be in good order.
Continue reading “February 2019 – Business Meeting”January 2019 – Installation Meeting
Worshipful Master Garry Hall was installed into the Master’s Chair in a most excellent manner. Garry is obviously a very well respected and well known mason as the lodge was packed to the rafters with 84 Brethren attending of which 78 dined at the festive board.
Continue reading “January 2019 – Installation Meeting”2018: Review of the Year
A summary of Lodge news and events throughout 2018.
Continue reading “2018: Review of the Year”2017 Review of the Year
A summary of Lodge news and events throughout 2017.
Continue reading “2017 Review of the Year”