The February meeting was for the most part a combination of a business meeting and a presentation on a local school expedition to Borneo. They were conducted in the presence of a Provincial delegation as part of a fraternal visit. The business meeting consisted of a ballot for a new initiate and discussion of the lodge’s audited accounts By W Bro Kevin Aldred (Charity Steward), W Bro Tony Wilcox (Almoner) and W Bro Alan Chin (Treasurer).
Henry, a 16-year-old student, gave a most informative 30 minute presentation to the 50 brethren attending, following King Arthur’s Secondary School trip to Borneo. Henry and one other member of his party had been sponsored by the Lodge and he wanted to show the lodge what its sponsorship had helped to achieve. The presentation covered the 4-week expedition, including conservation and environmental work, building and improvements made by students to aid the local population, cultural interaction and a week-long trek through the Borneo Jungle.